A Visitor's Guide to San Pueblo

from Joey Greene's The Partridge Family Album

The mythical town of San Pueblo, California, is located somewhere near the San Francisco Bay area, though we never learn exactly where. The town has three newspapers: the San Pueblo Tattler, which includes a magazine supplement on Sundays called Today Magazine, the San Pueblo Daily, and an underground newspaper called Free Life. Like any town in America, San Pueblo is filled with small businesses, restaurants, churches, and public facilities:

A & B Cafe - Mr. Kincaid's favorite restaurant [Episode 15]

Al's Used Cars - where the Partridge Family buys a used school bus [Episode 1]

Bank of San Pueblo - next door to the Crescent Bookshop and across the street from the Royal Theater [Episode 59]

Bartlett's Department Store - where Shirley has a charge account and where Byron Atwater is the credit manager with Tom Baker as his assistant in charge of the computer 1984-Z [Episode 70]

Barton's Drug Store - mentioned by Mr. Kincaid [Episode 83]

Big Herm's - an ice-cream stand where you can buy a Big Cherry Freeze [Episode 53]

Boathouse, The - a nightclub where Shirley's parents bring their dates to watch the Partridge Family perform [Episode 56]

Captain Chocolate's Ice Cream Emporium - ice-cream parlor [Episode 60]

Chez Pierre - French restaurant renowned for its chocolate mousse and where Dr. Bernie Applebaum takes Shirley on a date [Episode 63]

Church - where you'll find the Reverend Greg Houser and where the Partridges perform once [Episode 59]

Crescent Bookshop - next door to the Bank of San Pueblo and across the street from the Royal Theater [Episode 59]

Cronos Caverns - caves outside of San Pueblo [Episode 74]

Drive-in Theater - where Keith takes Princess Jennie [Episode 52]

Duncan Street - mentioned [Episode 45]

Elm Street - where psychic Max Ledbetter lives [Episode 49]

Feldman Armored Car Company - business down the block from Mr. Kincaid's favorite restaurant, the A & B Cafe [Episode 15]

Fleameyer's Garage - where Mr. Kincaid gets his car repaired [Episode 71]

Florist - next door to the Crescent Bookshop and across the street from the Royal Theater [Episode 59]

Hanran's Department Store - where Shirley bought Laurie's first training bra [Episode 47]

Hardware Store - not open on Sundays [Episode 44]

Hotel (unknown name) - where Princess Jennie stays [Episode 52]

KXIU - radio station in San Pueblo [Episode 61]

Lorenzo Bernard School of Art - where Shirley Partridge takes painting lessons [Episode 87]

Maple Street - mentioned by Mr. Kincaid [Episode 24]

Moo Ducks Restaurant - Chinese restaurant from which Mr. Kincaid orders meals delivered for himself and Bonnie Kleinschmitt [Episode 80]

Muldune's Point - town Lover's Lane [Episodes 23, 41, 59, 67, 74, 96]

Murphy's Department Store - where Laurie buys a pocketbook for $6.95 and where Princess Jennie buys one for $5.95 [Episode 52]

Oak Street - where Keith's friend Gordy drives into a hidden stop sign [Episode 26]

Oro Lake - mentioned by Danny [Episode 83]

Phelps' Drugstore - drugstore run by Mr. Phelps, where Danny and Punky Lazaar each shoplift a yo-yo [Episode 71 ]

Pinaco Peak - where Shirley and Laurie go wilderness camping and where Keith, Danny, and Mr. Kincaid get lost [Episode 45]

Point Loomis Air Force Base - where the Partridge Family performs a concert and backs up Dora Kelly [Episode 26]

Police Station, Third District - where Danny turns himself in to Sergeant Donakovsky and asks to have himself locked up for shoplifting [Episode 71]

Race Track - where racehorse F. Scott Fitzgerald wins a race during the San Pueblo County Fair [Episode 61 ]

Recording Studio - where the Partridge Family records their first album [Episode 4], "Echo Valley 2-6809" [Episode 27], and "Twenty-Four Hours a Day" [Episode 34], and where Andy and David Williams record their first single, "Say It Again" [Episode 88]

Reuben Kincaid's Office - unknown location [Episodes 15 and 89]

Rothschild Museum of Art - where curator Mr. Hensley and a piece of artwork by Nicholas Minksi Pushkin can be found [Episode 44]

Royal Theater - movie theater run by Sam Greasley; the Partridge Family's movie premieres here as a short before Gone with the Wind [Episode 41]; also playing here is The Billion Dollar Raccoon [Episode 59]

Saffany's Jewelry Store - where Danny buys a $12 brooch for Shirley [Episode 95]

San Pueblo Airport [Episode 52]

San Pueblo Children's Home - the Partridge Family's favorite charity and where they perform a benefit concert [Episode 74]

San Pueblo College - where Shirley takes a psychology course and where Keith attends college [Episodes 29, 77, and 83]

San Pueblo High School - where Keith and Laurie attend school

San Pueblo Hospital - where Dr. Bernie Applebaum practices pediatrics and where Shirley Partridge gave birth to all five of her children [Episode 63]

Scooby's - malt shop where Keith meets Dina Firmly and his sister Laurie [Episode 76]

Simon Collection Agency - collection agency for Bartlett's Department Store, which repossesses the Partridge Family's furniture [Episode 70]

Student Union Cafeteria - cafeteria on San Pueblo College campus where Keith graciously treats Shirley and Mr. Kincaid to lunch [Episode 77]

Taco Stand - where the kids congregate after school [Episodes 33, 60, 65, 80, 88, 89, and 91]

Temple Aaron - local synagogue led by Rabbi Stern [Episode 93]

Uncle Erwin's Country Chicken - fast food restaurant chain [Episode 68]

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